学术项目建议是一个交换信息的机会,旨在帮助 学生实现了他们的教育和职业目标. 建议是一项共同的责任 导师和学生之间. 最终,这是学生的责任 通过制定实现这些目标的计划来决定他/她的人生目标.
学术顾问可以在这个过程中帮助学生理解各种选择, 确定资源,并在必要时确定备选方案. If you are not sure 你的导师是谁,你可以联系你专业里列出的任何导师.
the program advising guides 是为了帮助学生完成他们所选的学位要求而创建的 major. the guides 应与 college catalog 和其他大学资源,旨在补充建议过程. students who plan to 裴贞益 是否应该联系他们打算转学的学院来决定是否合适 coursework. 所有学生应与学术顾问讨论他们的学术 plans. 其他指南将在最后定稿时提供. click below or visit the Program advising Guides webpage to access the individual Program advising Guides.
如果你还不确定哪个课程最适合你的职业生涯或转学需求, explore the fields of studynew window.
List of Program advising Guides
Contact a Program Advisor:
节目按学科字母顺序排列. 选择要跳转到程序的字母 that start with that letter.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. denise bossard | denise.Bossard@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/419 | |
Dr. sherry mirbod | 240-567-7736 | sherry.Mirbod@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/418 |
prof. brian baick | 240-567-1761 | brian.Baick@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/242 |
prof. michael Gurevitz | 240-567-5141 | michael.Gurevitz@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/250 |
Dr. jeffery hillard | 240-567-2362 | jeffrey.Hillard@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/245 |
prof. kush jenkins | 240-567-2384 | kush.Jenkins@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/250 |
Dr. kathryn klose | 240-567-5148 | kathryn.Klose@momtgomerycollege.edu | rockville, HU/246 |
prof. james baisey | 240-567-1325 | james.Baisey@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/221-222 |
American Sign Language
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. ivonne Bruneau-Botello(系主任) | 240-567-3993 240-429-9559 |
ivonne.Bruneau-Botello@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/429 |
Applied Geography
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. tanya t.a | 240-567-7614 | tanya.Allison@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/218A |
Architectural Technology
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 尚塔尔·维尔马(系主任) | 240-567-1718 | chantal.Vilmar@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/208 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. tendai 约翰son (Department Chair) | 240-567-7649 | tendai.约翰son@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown rockville, AR/202 |
Dr. 诺伯托·戈麦斯(系主任) | 240-567-5502 | norberto.Gomez@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,CF/127 |
Automotive Technology
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. michael Carretta | 240-567-4121 | michael.Carretta@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, GU/248 |
Behavioral Health
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. - maureen | 240-567-7590 | maureen.Edwards@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PEC/230 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- Questions can also be sent to Biologyadvising@lingshixiaopu.net.
- 安排与计划顾问的预约.
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. 约瑟koussa | 240-567-6913 | 约瑟.Koussa@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, BE/240 |
- please see 生物科学专业,科学AS: 412F.
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. lori kelman | 240-567-6929 | lori.Kelman@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, BE/204 |
Broadcast Media Production
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 李贞敏carl | 240-567-5304 | 李贞敏.Carl@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/127 |
Dr. tiffany Copeland | 240-567-5307 | tiffany.Copeland@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/163 |
Building Trades Technology
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 尚塔尔·维尔马(系主任) | 240-567-1718 | chantal.Vilmar@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/208 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
students' Last Names | advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
a -丢弃的 | andrea foster (business) | 240-567-3957 | andrea.Foster@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/423 |
ar - bl | 亚瑟 Grinath (Economics) | 240-567-6958 | 亚瑟.Grinath@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/420 |
bm - ca | liliana muresan (Nutrition) | 240-567-5137 | liliana.Muresan@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/237 |
cb - cz | kush jenkins (accounting) | 240-567-2384 | kush.Jenkins@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/250 |
d - dof | 博客 Hillard (accounting) | 240-567-2362 | 博客.Hillard@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/245 |
dog - fa | 安吉尔·萨利纳斯-冈萨雷斯(商业) | 240-567-5137 | angel.Salinas@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/253 |
fb - fi | Jim Baisey (accounting) | 240-567-1325 | james.Baisey@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, P2/221E |
fj - gom | linda fontaine (Comp. 應用程式.) | 240-567-4005 | linda.Fontaine@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/227 |
gon - hern | david youngberg (Economics) | 240-567-5144 | david.Youngberg@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/241 |
hero - jan | jonathan Opata (business) | 240-567-7187 | jonathan.Opata@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/258 |
jao - kon | michael Gurevitz (accounting) | 240-567-5141 | michael.Gurevitz@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/248 |
洛杉矶- lf | 沙mehrabi (Economics) | 240-567-5138 | 沙.Mehrabi@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/255 |
lf - lz | 玛格丽特 Tabiri (business) | 240-567-3995 | 玛格丽特.Tabiri@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/221F |
m - mer | kathryn klose (accounting) | 240-567-5134 | kathryn.Klose@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/247 |
mes - nar | 约翰 Coliton (business) | 240-567-5139 | 约翰.Coliton@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/251 |
nas - on | karen Penn (Comp. 應用程式.) | 240-567-7661 | karen.Penn@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/221G |
oo - ph | dorelle engel (Nutrition) | 240-567-5275 | dorelle.Engel@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/236 |
pi - rh | brian baick (accounting) | 240-567-1761 | brian.Baick@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/242 |
ri -是 | ali Alavi (business) | 240-567-4463 | ali.Alavi@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/256 |
sao - sor | satarupa (Rupa) Das (Economics) | 240-567-1398 | satarupa.Das@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/222B |
sos - tol | sherry mirbod (accounting) | 240-567-7735 | sherry.Mirbod@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/418 |
汤姆- val | terri maradei (Comp. 應用程式.) | 240-567-1967 | terri.Maradei@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/422 |
vam - z | kiel Albrecht (Economics) | 240-567-5137 | kiel.Albrecht@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/259 |
- please see 化学与生物化学专业,科学AS: 412D.
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
云计算与网络技术“, | 240-567-2438 | networkingprogram@lingshixiaopu.net | collegewide |
Communication Studies
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. aaron johnson | 240-567-7748 | aaron.约翰son@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/174 |
prof. rose piskapas | 240-567-7503 | rose.Piskapas@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TA/127 |
Dr. alex huebner | 240-567-5918 | alexander.Huebner@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,CU/119 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. terri maradei | 240-567-1967 | terri.Maradei@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/422 |
prof. linda fontaine | 240-567-4005 | linda.Fontaine@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/221 |
prof. karen Penn de Martinez | 240-567-7661 | karen.Penndemartinez@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, P2/221 |
Computer Gaming and Simulation
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. deborah solomon | 240-567-5136 | deborah.Solomon@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/121 |
prof. katherine Hubley(系主任) | 240-567-7522 | katherine.Hubley@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/126 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
计算机科学与技术 | 240-567-2438 | cs@lingshixiaopu.net | collegewide |
Construction management
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. kara guthro | 240-567-7598 | kara.Guthro@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/204 |
prof. mark corfman | 240-567-4251 | lewis.Corfman@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/238 |
Criminal Justice
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. J. sean fay | 240-567-7479 | sean.Fay@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/204 |
prof. ginger r. 罗宾逊 | 240-567-7513 (RV) 240-567-5823 (TPSS) |
ginger.罗宾逊@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/231 塔科马公园/银泉,NP/225 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
cybersecurity | 240-567-2438 | MCCyberadvising@lingshixiaopu.net | collegewide |
data science
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. rachel saidi | 240-567-5225 | rachel.Saidi@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/250G |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. linda zanin | 240-567-5563 | linda.Zanin@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, HC/435 |
prof. lee shryock | 240-567-5563 | lee.Shryock@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,HC/435 |
Digital Media and Web Technology
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. Katie Hubley(临时系主任) | 240-567-7529 | katherine.Hubley@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/122 |
prof. melissa lizmi | 240-567-7535 | melissa.Lizmi@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/150 |
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. 沙mehrabi | 240-567-5138 | 沙.Mehrabi@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/256 |
Dr. hoa nguyen | 240-567-5148 | hoa.Nguyen@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/246 |
Dr. david youngberg | 240-567-5144 | david.Youngberg@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/241 |
Dr. satarupa das | 240-567-1398 | satarupa.Das@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/222B |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. barbara marshall | 240-567- 7761 | barbara.marshall@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/219 |
Dr. jeannie ho | 240-567-7468 | jeannie.Ho@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/218B |
Dr. sonia Pruneda-Hernandez | 240-567-4168 | sonia.Pruneda-Hernandez@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, CS/126 塔科马公园/银泉,RC/202A |
Dr. marsha mcclean | 240-567-1595 | marsha.McClean@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,RC/203B |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. sonja fisher | 240-567-6012 | sonja.Fisher@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/223 |
prof. debra poese | 240-567-7269 | debra.Poese@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, CS/118 |
Dr. zeporia史密斯 | 240-567-7192 | zeporia.Smith@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, CS/127 |
Dr. glenda Hernandez Tittle | 240-567-1317 | glenda.HernandezTittle@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, CS/124 |
prof. 布兰登wallace | 240-567-5919 | 布兰登.Wallace@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,RC/201 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. david torain | 240-567-7797 | david.Torain@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/135 |
Dr. zine boudhraa | 240-567-5192 | zine.Boudhraa@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/454M |
Dr. celia埃文斯 | 240-567-5213 | celia.Evans@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/454C |
prof. kimberly fouche | 240-567-3994 | kimberly.Fouche@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,MP/243 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. kathleen dayton | 240-567-7580 | kathy.Dayton@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/245 |
engineering science
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
engineering | 240-567-5230 | engineeringprogram@lingshixiaopu.net | collegewide |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 尚塔尔·维尔马(系主任) | 240-567-1718 | chantal.Vilmar@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/208 |
- please see 环境科学与政策集中领域,科学AS: 412E.
Ethnic Social Studies
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. john riedl | 240-567-7284 | 约翰.Riedl@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/275 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. kathleen dayton | 240-567-7580 | kathy.Dayton@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/245 |
general studies
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. roberto Hurtado(世界语言中心) | 240-567-2354 | roberto.Hurtado@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/415 |
prof. auksuole Rubavichute(哲学焦点) | 240-567-7978 | auksuole.Rubavichute@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/416 |
prof. tendai 约翰son (art Focus) | 240-567-7649 | tendai.约翰son@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, AR/202 |
prof. 但克里斯蒂娜 Gentile(通识研究临时主席) | 240-567-7425 | 但克里斯蒂娜.Gentile@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/609 |
prof. emily Rosado (English & Journalism Focus) | 240-567-4102 | emily.Rosado@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/525 |
Dr. norberto Gomez, Jr. (film _exo) | 240-567-5502 | norberto.Gomez@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, CF/127 |
Dr. 文森特·英托迪(历史与政治科学) | 240-567-1330 | 格林纳.Intondi@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,CM/202C |
Dr. shayla Atkins (English Focus) | 240-567-1667 | shayla.Atkins@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, P3/114 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. alison rose (Math Focus) | 240-567-4231 | alison.rose@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/454N |
prof. mais Alraee (data science Focus) | 240-567-7722 | mais.Alraee@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown Campus, HT/314 |
Dr. aubrey Smith (Biology Focus) | 240-567-5480 | aubrey.Smith@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/234N |
prof. 但克里斯蒂娜 Gentile(通识研究临时主席) | 240-567-7425 | 但克里斯蒂娜.Gentile@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/609 |
Dr. cory纽曼 (Chemistry Focus) | 240-567-1413 | cory.Newman@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,SN/308 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. jana anderson(酒店管理专业) | 240-567-5159 | jana.Anderson@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/257 |
prof. 凯瑟琳·戴顿(国土安全焦点) | 240-567-7580 | kathy.Dayton@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/245 |
prof. 詹姆斯·弗戈尔(政治学焦点) | 240-567-7766 | james.Furgol@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown |
Dr. 亚瑟 Grinath (Economics Focus) | 240-567-6958 | 亚瑟.Grinath@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HS/255 |
prof. melissa McCeney(心理学焦点) | 240-567-7829 | melissa.McCeney@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/184 |
prof. bonita Parker (Psychology) | 240-567-1399 | bonita.Parker@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, NP/223 |
Dr. daniel Santore (Sociology Focus) | 240-567-5071 | daniel.Santore@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/235 |
prof. 玛丽亚 Sprehn(人类学焦点) | 240-567-7484 | 玛丽亚.Sprehn@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/108 |
prof. 但克里斯蒂娜 Gentile(通识研究临时主席) | 240-567-7425 | 但克里斯蒂娜.Gentile@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/609 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. james furgol | 240-567-7766 | james.Furgol@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/183 |
prof. 但克里斯蒂娜 Gentile(通识研究临时主席) | 240-567-7425 | 但克里斯蒂娜.Gentile@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/609 |
prof. valerie tanner | 240-567-5393 | valerie.Tanner@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville |
prof. Doris melissa Montoya Vallejos | 240-567-5393 | dorismelissa.MontoyaVallejos@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville |
Dr. cory纽曼 | 240-567-1413 | cory.Newman@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,SN/308 |
>> back to top
graphic design
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 博客golden | 240-567-7760 | 博客.Golden@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/224 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
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advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. patricia Johannsen | 240-567-7517 | patricia.Johannsen@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC /124 |
prof. 玛莎vaughan | 240-567-7521 | 玛莎.Vaughan@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/125 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. bryan tillman | 240-567-7521 | bryan.Tillman@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/125 |
prof. 玛莎vaughan | 240-567-7521 | 玛莎.Vaughan@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/125 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. 诺伯托·戈麦斯(系主任) | 240-567-5502 | norberto.Gomez@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, CF/127 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. kimberly driver | 240-567- 7725 | kimberly.Driver@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, PG/104 |
Dr. joanna kilby | 240-567-7584 | joanna.Kilby@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, PG/105 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. Lakisha Nickens-Gaither | 240-567-7980 | lakisha.Nickens-Gaither@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/226 |
prof. tonya seed | 240-567- 1428 | tonya.Seed@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,CF/151V |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. lesley wasilko | 240-567-7585 | lesley.Wasilko@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/233 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. petula Alvaradous-Phillander | 240-567-7582 | petula.Alvaradousphillander@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/228 |
Health Information management
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. tonya Powell Witherspoon | 240-567-5519 | tonya.Witherspoon@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,HC/243 |
prof. corinne史密斯 | 240-567-5521 | corinne.Smith@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, HC/242 |
homeland Security
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. kathleen dayton | 240-567-7580 | kathy.Dayton@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/245 |
Hospitality MANAGEMENT
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. jana anderson | 240-567-5159 | jana.Anderson@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/257 |
prof. verhonda sercey | 240-567-5137 | verhonda.Sercey@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/252 |
Interior Design
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. molly kunselman | 240-567-7597 | molly.Kunselman@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/247A |
international Studies
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. jennifer Haydel | 240-567-7756 | jennifer.Haydel@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HS/192 |
Dr. 黎安友zook | 240-567-7286 | 黎安友.Zook@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/267 |
prof. 工程师史密斯 | 240-567-1353 | 工程师.Smith@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,CM/202D |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. andrea foster | 240-567-3957 | andrea.Foster@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/221-222 |
Mental Health Associate
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. - maureen | 240-567-7590 | maureen.Edwards@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, PE/230 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 阿尔文号 Trask (Department Chair) | 240-567-7551 | 阿尔文号.Trask@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MU/103 |
Dr. 诺伯托·戈麦斯(系主任) | 240-567-5502 | norberto.Gomez@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, CF/127 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
护理专业的学生被录取后会被分配一个学术项目顾问 nursing program. 如果你是一名护理专业的学生,不知道你的导师是谁 is email, nursing.program@lingshixiaopu.net. 未来的学生应该参加一个 information session for more information.
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. monique davis | 240-567-5622 | monique.Davis@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,HC/140 |
prof. brenda knopp | 240-567-5534 | brenda.Knopp@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,HC/136 |
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. dorelle engel | 240-567-5275 | dorelle.Engel@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/236 |
prof. alyson escobar | 240-567-4137 | alyson.Escobar@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/224 |
prof. liliana muresan | 240-567-5137 | liliana.Muresan@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/237 |
prof. reshma phillips | 240-567-5137 | reshma.Phillips@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, HU/230 |
Paralegal Studies
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 暗讽singleton | 240-567-2143 (GT) 240-567-1623 (TP) |
暗讽.Singleton@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/233 rockville, HU/259 塔科马公园/银泉,P2/222 |
performing arts
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 阿尔文号 Trask (Department Chair) | 240-567-7551 | 阿尔文号.Trask@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MU/103 |
prof. R. Scott Hengen (theatre Focus) | 240-567-7511 | rscott.Hengen@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TA/132 |
Dr. 诺伯托·戈麦斯(系主任) | 240-567-5502 | norberto.Gomez@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, CF/127 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 诊断出beverly | 240-567-7519 | 诊断出.Beverly@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, TC/129 |
Physical therapist Assistant
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. anniet glenn | 240-567-5524 | anniet.Glenn@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,HC/239 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. 库科奇davis | 240-567-7747 | 库科奇.Davis@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, PK/133 |
Radiologic (X-Ray) Technology
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. rose aehle | 240-567-5564 | rose.Aehle@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉校区,HC/442 |
prof. kathy Lewandowski | 240-567-5565 | kathy.Lewandowski@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉校区,HC/441 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- Questions can also be sent to: Biologyadvising@lingshixiaopu.net.
- 安排与计划顾问的预约.
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. rashid alam | 240-567- 5021 | rashidul.Alam@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/234M |
Dr. 玛格丽特birney | 240-567-7788 | 玛格丽特.Birney@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, BE/242 |
prof. sean cooney | 240-567-1425 | sean.Cooney@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, SN/207 |
Dr. sara kalifa | 240-567-5096 | sara.Kalifa@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/244 |
Dr. 约瑟koussa | 240-567-6913 | 约瑟.Koussa@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, BE/240 |
prof. alex micich | 240-567-1347 | alex.Micich@lingshixiaopu.net | Takoma Park/Silver Spring, P4/306 |
prof. kiersten Newtoff | 240-567-1852 | kiersten.Newtoff@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, BE/254 |
prof. tori schneider | 240-567-5479 | 是维多利亚.Schneider@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/234K |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- 安排与计划顾问的预约.
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. craig本森 | 240-567-4352 | craig.Benson@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/331F |
Dr. thomas chen | 240-567-7633 | thomas.Chen@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/339 |
Dr. james lipchock | 240-567-7781 | james.Lipchock@montgomerycollege | germantown, BE/208 |
Dr. cory纽曼 | 240-567-1413 | cory.Newman@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,SN/308 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
- Questions can also be sent to: Biologyadvising@lingshixiaopu.net.
- 安排与计划顾问的预约.
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. kiersten Newtoff | 240-567-1852 | kiersten.Newtoff@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, BE/254 |
prof. 是维多利亚 (Tori) Schneider | 240-567-5479 | 是维多利亚.Schneider@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/234N |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. david torain | 240-567-7797 | david.Torain@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/135 |
Dr. celia埃文斯 | 240-567-5213 | celia.Evans@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/454K |
prof. robert kuhar | 240-567-1443 | robert.Kuhar@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,MP/246 |
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
Dr. alla Webb (Department Chair) | 240-567-7934 | alla.Webb@lingshixiaopu.net | germantown, HT/417 Takoma Park/Silver Spring |
Dr. helio.Zwi (Acting Department Chair) | 240-567-5230 | helio.Zwi@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, SC/436B |
Surgical Technology
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. michael hayden | 240-567-5570 | michael.Hayden@lingshixiaopu.net | 塔科马公园/银泉,HC/358 |
Women’s and Gender Studies
- | Program advising Guide (pdf, )
advisor contact | phone | campus location | |
prof. genevieve Carminati | 240-567-7446 | genevieve.Carminati@lingshixiaopu.net | rockville, MT/212E |
需要帮助或对本页面有疑问? Please contact 感谢 Banh at 感谢.Banh@lingshixiaopu.net.